Hi Amanda, Hope you are well. Just a quick question. We have had Perindopril 2mg come in and the manufacturer is Rudipharm. This is a Generic over Tariff but I cannot find Rudipharm listed on DMD – what should I do? Hi there You are correct Rudipharm has no listing in DMD (Dictionary of Medicine and Devices) for Perindopril 2mg. So you will need to put Rudipharm in the main body of the prescription, ask a prescriber to initial the amendment. Then in the left-hand column, Rudipharm again, pack size and price you have paid. They should reimburse the price you have asked for (less clawback, of course) Hi Amanda, Hope you’re keeping well? I have been asked by our Nurse Manager about payment for vaccines esp Typhoid and Revaxis. Do we get reimbursed for these items and do they go onto FP10 or the Vaccine report? Hiya, Hope you are well? All the items below should be claimed for via the FP43 Vaccine report · influenza. · typhoid. · hepatitis A. · hepatitis B. · Meningococcal Revaxis should be claimed via FP10. Thanks 😊 Hi Hope you are well We have some Gabapentin 600mg tablets (stock) going out of date on 31st January 2025. Do we have to arrange for someone to destroy this one as it’s a stock item. I know if returned from a patient we can destroy it but not sure about stock item Regards Hi there, Gabapentin 600mg is a Schedule 3 Controlled Drug so regardless of whether its stock or a patient return, you can destroy it yourself.