Drug Tariff News

2nd July 2024 - Source: Amanda Chell

June Drug Tariff News

Additions to Part 2

6 items have been added to Part 2 in the June Drug Tariff. Ones which you may find of interest are:

  • Dabigatran etexilate granules sachets sugar free (ALL)
  • D-mine Infset subcutaneous drug delivery device 80cm tubing 8mm needle 28 gauge
  • Levomepromazine 6.25mg tablets

Generally, items which fall into Part 2 of the Drug Tariff have no wholesaler discount, you are potentially dispensing at a loss. You may consider sending the prescription away to a local Pharmacy to be dispensed.

Additions to Part 8a

10 items have been added to Part 8a of the June Drug Tariff. Ones which I think you will find of interest are:

  • Drospirenone 4mg tablets have gone into the June Drug Tariff as a Category C with the reimbursement price based on Slynd. Currently only available through Alliance and doesn’t appear to have any discount.
  • Levomepromazine 6.25mg tablets has gone into the June Drug, again as a Category C with the reimbursement price based on Levorol. This product has also gone into Part 2 as its an expensive product (reimbursement price £184.00 and no discount available).
  • Naloxone 1.26mg/0.1ml nasal spray unit dose has gone into the June Drug Tariff with the reimbursement price based on Accord UK Ltd.

Deletions to Part 8a

There have been 19 deletions to Part 8a in the June Drug Tariff.

Ones which I think you may find of interest are:

  • Capsaicin 0.025% and 0.075% cream have both been removed from the June Drug Tariff, both products have been discontinued.
  • Co-magaldrox 200mg/175mg/5ml oral suspension sugar free, more commonly known as Maalox has been removed from the June Drug Tariff. This product has also been discontinued.
  • Mesalazine 400mg gastro resistant tablets, pack size 84 has been removed from the June Drug Tariff. (Last month DDS advised that the Asacol 400mg was being discontinued and supplies should be exhausted by late April, however stocks do still appear to be available). The 90-pack size is still listed but the 90-pack size reimbursement price is based on Octasa. Please take care with this one as the 84 pack is still available to purchase as Asacol but the reimbursement price on a generic prescription is based on Octasa and is significantly less than the price of Asacol.

As a reminder Items which have been removed from the Drug Tariff part 8A can still be prescribed and dispensed but you will need to endorse the prescription with manufacturer, pack size and price paid.

Other Changes to Part 8a

21 items are listed in ‘Other Changes, ones which you may find of interest are:

  • Lormetazepam 500microgram tablets was sitting as a category A with a reimbursement price of £18.94, has now moved to a Category C and the reimbursement price is based on Genus Pharmaceuticals Holdings Ltd. The reimbursement price has dropped to £8.58. Please take care when purchasing as many wholesalers are selling this product over Drug Tariff price.
  • Quinagolide 50microgram tablets and Quinagolide 25microgram tablets have moved from a Category A with a reimbursement price of £53.54, is now sitting as a Category C with the reimbursement based on Aspire Pharma Ltd. The reimbursement price has dropped to £30.00.
  • Sodium chloride 0.9% solution for injection 20ml ampoules was sitting as a Category C with the reimbursement price based on Sodium chloride Mini-Plasco – has remained as a Category C but the reimbursement price is now based on B.Braun Medical Ltd. The reimbursement price has increased slightly.