Drug Tariff News

10th June 2024 - Source: Amanda Chell

Additions to Part 2

7 items have been added to Part 2 in the May Drug Tariff. Ones which you may find of interest are:

  • Dexcom One+ Sensor
  • Levorol 6.25mg tablets
  • Semaglutide tablets (ALL)
  • Tinzaparin sodium 10,000units/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes
  • Tinzaparin sodium 14,000units/0.7ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes
  • Tinzaparin sodium 18,000units/0.9ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes
  • Tinzaparin sodium solution for injection vials (ALL)

Generally, items which fall into Part 2 of the Drug Tariff have no wholesaler discount, you are potentially dispensing at a loss. You may consider sending the prescription away to a local Pharmacy to be dispensed.

Additions to Part 8a

15 items have been added to Part 8a of the May Drug Tariff. Ones which I think you will find of interest are:

  • Dorzolamide 20mg/ml / Timolol 5mg/ml eye drops 0.166ml unit dose preservative free has gone into the Drug Tariff as a Category C item with the reimbursement price based on Glaucopt. This product is a pack of 60 but the Special Container rules are on 5. Currently available through all 3 wholesalers
  • Famciclovir 250mg tablet have gone into the Drug Tariff as a Category C with the reimbursement price based on Ennogen Healthcare Ltd. Please use caution when purchasing as there are multiple pack sizes and varying prices.
  • Oseltamivir 6mg/ml oral suspension sugar free § has gone into the May Drug Tariff with the reimbursement price based on Tamiflu. The addition is a 50ml pack as the 65ml pack has been removed. Please note this product is on the Selected List Scheme and the prescription must be endorses SLS in the main body – with no endorsement, this product will be disallowed.

Deletions to Part 8a

There have been 42 deletions to Part 8a in the May Drug Tariff.

Ones which I think you may find of interest are:

  • Diclofenac potassium 25mg tablets have been removed from the May Drug Tariff. These have been discontinued however the Enteric Coated tablets are still available.
  • Mycophenolate mofetil 1g/5ml oral suspension sugar free – 175 ml has been removed from the May Drug Tariff however 160ml has been added.
  • Somatropin (epr) 10mg/1.5ml, 15mg/1.5ml and 5mg/1.5ml solution for injection pre-filled disposable devices have all been removed from the May Drug Tariff. These were more commonly known as Norditropin NordiFlex. Norditropin NordiFlex were discontinued in March 2024.

As a reminder Items which have been removed from the Drug Tariff part 8A can still be prescribed and dispensed but you will need to endorse the prescription with manufacturer, pack size and price paid.

Other Changes to Part 8a

43 items are listed in ‘Other Changes, DDS would strongly advise you to check out ‘Other Changes’ for May 24 as many of the changes will apply to you. Similar to the April Drug Tariff, a huge number of the items have moved from a Category A to a Category C (and the reimbursement price is now based on a certain manufacturer) – most of the reimbursement prices have been reduced as a result!

Ones which you may find of interest are:

  • Estriol 1mg/g vaginal cream was a Category C with the reimbursement price based on Ovestin at £4.45 – now has its reimbursement price based on Aspen Pharma Trading Ltd. The reimbursement price has increased to £5.45. The brand of Ovestin was discontinued in January 2024. Cheapest generic currently seems to be Alliance at £5.37.
  • Leuprorelin 10.72mg implant prefilled syringes has changed and now reads Leuprorelin 11.25mg implant prefilled syringes – the reimbursement price has remained the same – Category C and based on Staladex.
  • Pramipexole 1.57mg, 2.1mg, 2.62mg and 3.15 modified release tablets have all moved from a Category A to a Category C (some of the reimbursements are based on Krka Ltd) – all of the reimbursement prices have reduced slightly. These can all be purchased significantly below tariff price.

As a reminder Category A prices to be calculated quarterly

There are no Category A price changes for May 2024.