DHSC has published the January (Q4) Category M price adjustments.
These are calculated to deliver the remainder of the £50 million of the additional £100 million agreed across years four and five as part of the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework. Prices are calculated according to underlying market prices and the result of a community pharmacy margin survey.
In detail, there are 45 deletions and two additions:
Benzoyl peroxide 5% / Clindamycin 1% gel | 30 |
Benzoyl peroxide 5% / Clindamycin 1% gel | 60 |
This brings the total number of lines in Category M to 624.
DDA analysis shows that there are 263 lines with increased prices, 17 of which are more than doubled in price. In addition, there are 336 lines with decreased prices, 30 of which are down by at least 20 per cent
DDA members can view the full analysis including top five % price rises and falls, and a spreadsheet sorted by price, price history, price change by visiting the online Category M Updates Archives.
Reference DDA website
Additions to Part 2
11 items have been added to Part 2 of the January Drug Tariff.
Ones which I think you would find of interest are:
Items which fall into part 2 generally have no wholesaler discount and so you would be dispensing at a loss. Therefore, these are items which you may consider sending the prescription to a local pharmacy.
Deletions to Part 2
Only 3 items have been deleted from Part 2 of the January Drug Taruff but DDS would like to bring to your attention to the deletion of FreeStyle Libre Sensors. Any prescriptions submitted for these from January 2023 will be disallowed.
Additions to Part 8a
7 items have been added to the January Drug Tariff- ones which I think you will find of interest are:
Deletions to Part 8a
20 items have been deleted from the January Drug Tariff- ones which I think you will find of interest are:
Items which have been removed from the Drug Tariff part 8A can still be prescribed and dispensed but you will need to endorse the prescription with manufacturer, pack size and price paid.
Other Changes to Part 8a
69 items are listed in ‘Other Changes.
DDS would advise reading ‘Other Changes’ for January to ensure nothing is missed. A number of items have moved from a Category M to a Category A or a Category A to a Category C and the reimbursement price has generally increased. This is all down to a reflection of pricing of generics in the market place and the huge number of generics which have been above tariff for a number of months.
However, below are a few items which you may find of interest: